Airing Out Your Dirty Laundry on Social Media

Let’s be real…who doesn’t love to read some drama on FB or Twitter when it doesn’t involve you?! But there can be a few instances where it gets a bit uncomfortable… I opened up my Facebook yesterday and I found this:

OUCH! This is one of my oldest friends airing out ALL of his dirty laundry & putting his soon to be ex wife on blast. Now I don’t agree with what she did, definitely not cool, but was it 100% necessary to put on Facebook? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE when drama happens and will read every bit of it yet this one seemed different than the rest. Maybe it’s because I know the couple well or reading the 96 comments made me a feel a little uncomfortable.

What do you think about airing out your dirty laundry or drama on social media: Yay or Nay?


-Blogger Ashley


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